Talk About Blyton!

Unlisted - Enid Blyton in general – Illnesses

March 24, 2011 – Daniel says: I have noticed that measles is a very common disease in EB's books. In Malory Towers, Alicia had measles in one of the terms and cold not give her exams nicely. As far as I remember the children in the Adventure series and FF also had measles. I just don't understand that WHY MEASLES??? Do you understand? Please mail back soon, friends.
March 24, 2011 – Sofia Aggelidou says: I can't imagine Daniel so I'll gess! Maybe because measles was a contagious illness at her time!! I'm just gessing!! What do you think?
Fatty says... Fatty says: I refer you to my answer above!
March 25, 2011 – I Like Reading says: Maybe measles was common in olden days?
Fatty says... Fatty says: It certainly was. Babies are innoculated against measles, mumps and rubella in the UK today, so theses childhood illnesses are now much less common.
March 26, 2011 – Paul says: As Fatty says. These illnesses were much more common when Malory Towers was written then they are today. A side-effect of this is that most people alive today in Western countries have never seen how devastating they can truly be, so a lot of people are pretty complacent and don't see the dangers.
March 28, 2011 – Danielle says: Thank you friends for your responses. I understand now that why measles was common in EB's books. Earlier I thought that rats and mice were very common at that time and Malory Towers was also full of rats and mice and so a stong girl like Alicia also cought measles.
June 23, 2017 – Paul says: Alicia from MT had measles. Any others that were important to the plot? This includes those characters that fake illness to benefit themselves in some way.
December 23, 2022 – June Johns says: Was cancer ever mentioned as an illness in the Blyton story universe?
Daisy says... Daisy says: Not that I know of. But when Enid was writing her books, this was not an illness that anyone would speak only about.

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